[English] This song saved my life, new single?
In an interview with May the rock be with you was the band asked if they're planning on releasing a new single. The interview was done with Sébastien and Chuck, and to start with Sébastien answered a little vaguely and said there might be something new.
Chuck on the other hand gave some specific answers and said that there's a song on the album that's very special to the fans that they would like to release and it's This song saved my life.
The fans are on two sides: One side would really love having the song as their new single to spread the message of the importance of a song or a band, that lives can be saved because of music.
Then there's the other side that really don't want this song to be released in a million copies as a single and/or in a music video. They say that something like that would mean that the song loses it's message.
Chuck on the other hand gave some specific answers and said that there's a song on the album that's very special to the fans that they would like to release and it's This song saved my life.
The fans are on two sides: One side would really love having the song as their new single to spread the message of the importance of a song or a band, that lives can be saved because of music.
Then there's the other side that really don't want this song to be released in a million copies as a single and/or in a music video. They say that something like that would mean that the song loses it's message.