Vlog: Simple Plan with Rivers Cuomo

2013-05-08 | 22:55:00 | YouTube
I mars framförde Simple Plan låten Can't keep my hands off you tillsammans med Rivers Cuomo, och här är videon av uppträdandet!

Vlog: Argentina

2012-11-01 | 22:30:00 | YouTube

Vlog: Brazil

2012-10-28 | 19:56:00 | YouTube

Vlog: Brazil

2012-10-25 | 11:39:00 | YouTube

Vlog: South American tour

2012-09-08 | 18:32:00 | YouTube

Simple Plan: Canada Day

2012-07-03 | 19:41:00 | YouTube

Vlog: Happy Canada Day

2012-07-03 | 19:34:00 | YouTube

Simple Plan: Canada Day part 1

2012-07-03 | 05:44:00 | YouTube

Vlog: On a boat

2012-06-16 | 21:47:00 | YouTube

Vlog: Highlights

2012-05-09 | 21:44:00 | YouTube
Höjdpunkterna från Europa tunrén
Highlights from the European tour

Simple Plan: Peace & Love

2012-05-07 | 10:47:00 | YouTube

Vlog: Israel

2012-05-07 | 10:46:00 | YouTube

Vlog: SPCrew

2012-05-07 | 10:45:00 | YouTube

Vlog: alright?

2012-05-07 | 10:44:00 | YouTube

Simple Plan about bullying

2012-04-14 | 20:52:00 | YouTube
Pierre: Hey! We are Simple Plan and we are here to talk about bullying. It’s a very serious subject. We shouldn’t ignore it.
Jeff: What is important to remember, is that we are all unique, we all have something special to offer and we shouldn’t let others bring us down.
Chuck: If it ever happens to you, please don’t forget that things will get better. If you are a victim, you have to react.
Pierre: Thank you.

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