[English] Focus on: This song saved my life
This song saved my life is the finishing track of the fourth studio album by Simple Plan called Get your heart on! and it was released on June 21st 2011.
On earlier albums we've heard songs that explains how lonely a teenager can feel, how hated someone can be and how lonely someone actually can be against an entire world. This time they did something new. They wanted to write a song about their fans, a song that tells the story about what Simple Plan has done for them and how they feel.
They asked their fans to send in their story; what they've been through, what Simple Plan means for them and how Simple Plan saved them.
The tweets then became a song that ended up in This song saved my life. But it didn't stop there. When the song later was recorded, fans from across the world flew to the studio in Vancouver to record it with them. In the end of the song it's the fans singing the phrase This song saved my life together with Pierre.
This is something unique that has never been done before. The guys were sceptical to how this would work, if it would work at all, but it did. And thanks to this they have been more highlighted in their work of getting more contact with their fans.
They started writing songs like I'm just a kid and Welcome to my life, later they told the world that they actually read every letter that they get either through their mail-box or what they get in their hands from fans at meet&greets. And if that's not enough, they always go out after every concert to hang with their fans; to ask how they are, what they thought of the show and just to talk to them. Ever since they got Twitter, they've gotten even closer with their fans; since some of them follow some fans, they read every tweet that is sent to them and they reply to everything they can.
If anyone out there ever will determin a winner in the category the band who gives the most to their fans will Simple Plan definetly win the price.
How they recorded the song:
Simple Plan about the song:
This song saved my life:
On earlier albums we've heard songs that explains how lonely a teenager can feel, how hated someone can be and how lonely someone actually can be against an entire world. This time they did something new. They wanted to write a song about their fans, a song that tells the story about what Simple Plan has done for them and how they feel.
They asked their fans to send in their story; what they've been through, what Simple Plan means for them and how Simple Plan saved them.
The tweets then became a song that ended up in This song saved my life. But it didn't stop there. When the song later was recorded, fans from across the world flew to the studio in Vancouver to record it with them. In the end of the song it's the fans singing the phrase This song saved my life together with Pierre.
This is something unique that has never been done before. The guys were sceptical to how this would work, if it would work at all, but it did. And thanks to this they have been more highlighted in their work of getting more contact with their fans.
They started writing songs like I'm just a kid and Welcome to my life, later they told the world that they actually read every letter that they get either through their mail-box or what they get in their hands from fans at meet&greets. And if that's not enough, they always go out after every concert to hang with their fans; to ask how they are, what they thought of the show and just to talk to them. Ever since they got Twitter, they've gotten even closer with their fans; since some of them follow some fans, they read every tweet that is sent to them and they reply to everything they can.
If anyone out there ever will determin a winner in the category the band who gives the most to their fans will Simple Plan definetly win the price.
How they recorded the song:
Simple Plan about the song:
This song saved my life: