Nya länkar/new links
Vi har lagt till nya länkar. En länk går direkt till alla turné datum, den kommer uppdateras hela tiden. Så fort det kommer ut ett nytt datum. Länken finns där när inlägget här under försvinner och går in i arkivet.
Vi har också en länk till alla album, låtarna finns på Spotify. Lyssna på dem när dagarna blir grå!
We have added some new links. One link is directly to all tour dates. It updates all the time, every time there comes a new tour date. The link is there so it's easy to find when the post dissapears from the front page and goes to the archive. We also have a link to all the albums, they are on Spoify and you can listen to them when the days go gray. And it's eassier to spread the word about Simple Plan.
To our English speaking readers, the links are under "Länkar".
We have added some new links. One link is directly to all tour dates. It updates all the time, every time there comes a new tour date. The link is there so it's easy to find when the post dissapears from the front page and goes to the archive. We also have a link to all the albums, they are on Spoify and you can listen to them when the days go gray. And it's eassier to spread the word about Simple Plan.
To our English speaking readers, the links are under "Länkar".