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Det rådde ingen tvekan om att Vanessa skulle vinna, hon stod verkligen ut.
First I will introduce myself. My name is Vanessa and I am 16. I am a french fan.
I think it is never easy to write about something you care about because you want to use the perfect words to express your feelings.
At the question « what is your favorite song of the 3rd eponyme album of Simple Plan? » I had to think a lot. The whole record is just amazing and all the songs are different and have a meaning. You can refer to them at any moment. When you are down or when you are just happy. So it has been quite a challenge to choose only one song that I liked more than the others on this record. But I thought and I have made up my mind.
So even if I loved all the songs, I would say that my favorite one is probably «Holding On». It is not a heavy punk-rock song like we are used to listen on the previous records, but anyway, I think that this song is just a simply masterpiece. The lyrics are so strong, so powerfull. We all need someone to hold us, to keep us alive in the difficult moments. Sometimes you just need a little something to feel better. And I think that this song is aimed for that. Also, Pierre's voice on that song is just impressive! We feel the maturity, the experience of the scene and of singing. He has reached a new level. And this is great because he is now able to do a range of new things with his voice. He has a great capacity. The way he sang this song just only fitted perfectly with the meaning of the song. It is just powerfull but sweet too. I know it is quite paradoxal but that is the way I fell it. I think that putting Chuck on the background for the verse was a great idea. Yes, he can not sing like Pierre, David or Seb, but the way he did it was just emotional and awesome. And what can I say about the instrumental! Simply beautiful! It sounds so clear! So soft and so huge at the same time! So yes I love this song. It helps me to relax when I need it. And even when I don't, I love listening it and closing my eyes and let my mind chasing away.