[English] A week off
Now we have been two in Stockholm and Eskilstuna off from school for a week. We figured celebrating with a new design and opening the new contest!
How the new design will look like will be a surprise. But the blog will be shut down over time, so do not be surprised if it suddenly can not get into.
The design will emerge over the weekend / next week.
How the new design will look like will be a surprise. But the blog will be shut down over time, so don't be surprised if you suddenly can not enter.
The design will appear over the weekend/next week.
So, I know that the other contest doesn't end until February 28, but I want to launch the new anyway. This contest will be for all whole world, so it doesn't matter where you live this time!
This time are t-shirts. I've been thinking about pushing up our own SPFamily t-shirt for a while, but didn't know what to put on it. It doesn't need to be SPFamily, it can be anything with SP, but SPFamily is the most fun.
So, I will be pushing out four t-shirts. One I will keep. Three will go out for you. The first will be raffled in a few weeks (it depends on how long it takes to get ideas).
I want you to think about how you want the SPFamily/SP t-shirt to look. Submit your proposals to [email protected] with text, pictures and a good explanation for your design. When sufficient contributions have been received we'll select our three favorites that you may vote for. The winning submission will get a t-shirt!
More info about the competition will come later.
Questions? Send an email or leave a comment.