Get to know Julia
Julia has her own twitter account and an accout for the fans in Austria
This is a little article/interview with Julia from Austria and she’s 15 years old. She hasn’t been a fan for very long, but she loves our guys so much. She has seen the band live once, but never met any of them, that are one of her biggest dreams. She can’t decide who her favourite member is, neither her favourite record, but her favourite song is One.
Get to know Julia:
Where do you come from?
I’m from Austria.
How old are you?
I’m 15 years old.
When did you become a fan?
In the middle of 2009, so I haven’t been a fan for so long.
How did you become a fan?
I’ve always liked the songs that have been played on the radio, but I got really obsessed when I saw them in a movie. I fell in love with the music and found every song. I listened to them until I knew all the lyrics.
Which one is your favourite record?
I love all of them.
And what’s your favourite song?
It’s probably One.
Who’s your favourite member?
All five of them. Because they’re funny, caring and have a huge part in my life. I can’t imagine my life without them, and I know that they will always be there.
Have you been to a show? How was that?
I’ve been to one show in a festival in Austria called “Two days in a week”. I was in first row and it felt so amazing when the guys looked at me. I almost died.
Have you ever been followed?
Yes, Jeff followed me once. He followed me on December 10th and followed me for a little more than two weeks.
Have you gotten any replies?
Yes one from Chuck, two from Jeff and one from Seb. And Pierre retweeted me once. My best reply is probably the one I got from Jeff when he picked me for his FF.
What are your favourite Simple Plan teams?
It’s SPSverige, SimplePlanTeam, SimplePlanners and SPParaguay