Medarbetare sökes!
2012-10-31 | 13:24:00 |
Only Simple Plan
Bloggen fyller snart två år, den har växt sig större och större med besökare från hela världen.
Just nu är vi två stycken som jobbar med bloggen, Sandra som sköter all design och Emelie som skriver.
Med allt fler besökare från andra länder ökar behovet av översättning. Jag som skriver kan översätta alla poster själv, men det skulle underlätta om någon annan gjorde det.
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- Vara med på intervjuer
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Ämne: Översättare till Only Simple Plan
Bifoga: Namn, ålder, nivå på din engelska (betyg etc) och Simple Plan fan sedan
Music video
2012-10-31 | 11:47:00 |
Get your heart on

MTV Exit just released a promo poster for the announcment on Friday! On this Friday, November 2nd will MTV Exit premiere a special music video.
2012-10-31 | 11:44:00 |
Get your heart on

MTV Exit släppte precis en promo poster för tillkännagivandet på fredag! På fredag den andra november kommer de ha premiär för en väldigt speciell musikvideo.
MTV Exit news!
2012-10-31 | 11:41:00 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan went to Vietnam in May 2012 where they among other things did a free show in Hanoi where nearly 40,000 people came to see them play. The very next day, the band recorded a documentary to wake awarness to human trafficking, the documentary was shot for MTV Exit.
The documentary has been aired several times on MTV Asia but since it's locked to this region, no one from another part of the world can look at it.
But finally, MTV Exit are bringing more news about this documentary! They will premiere this documentary on the internet by the end of this year for everyone to watch it. And on Friday, there will be another announcment for Simple Plan & MTV Exit!

Happy Halloween!
2012-10-31 | 11:31:00 |
Piece of history

MTV Exit nyheter!
2012-10-31 | 11:26:00 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan var i Vietnam i maj 2012 där de bland annat gjorde en graiskonsert i Hanoi för närmare 40 000 personer. Dagen efter spelade de in en dokumentär för att väcka uppmärksamhet till trafficking för MTV Exit.
Dokumentären har sänta flera gånger på MTV Asia men den är låst till just denna region, så fans från andra delar av världen har inte kunnat titta på den.
Nu kommer MTV Exit äntligen med fler nyheter! De kommer ha premiär för denna dokumentär på Internet i slutet av året för att alla ska kunna se denna dokumentär. På fredag kommer även ytterligare ett tillkännagivande för MTV Exit och Simple Plan!

Simple Plan: The official story is being printed!
2012-10-30 | 22:17:00 |
The official story
It's not long until Simple Plan: The official story is released and it's currently being printed!
If you haven't ordered your copy of the book already, you can do so here
Chapters Indigo is the only company with the English version of the book and they don't ship to a lot of countries. However, Simple Plan worked out an agreement with them so fans from across the world can buy this book.
If your company is listed below, you can place your order on the link in this post.
- Australia - Belgium - Bermuda - Canada - Denmark - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Ireland - Israel - Italy - Japan - Mexico - New Zealand - Norway - South Africa - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - Unied Sates -
If your country is not listed, don't panic! You can still order the book from the very same company by following these steps:
- Send an e-mail to [email protected] and include this;
Subject: Simple Plan: The official story - International pre-order
ISBN number: 978-2-89705-153-2 (English edition) or ISBN: 978-2-89705-051-1 (French edition)
Quantity: How many copies of the book you want
Your address: Include your address (Name, street, region, state, country)
Chapters will contact you within 24 hours.
If you already bought the book, log onto Twitter and tweet Simple Plan's official twitter @simpleplan with the hashtag #SimplePlanTheOfficialBook or #SimplePlanLHistoireOfficielle and let them know where you bought the book!
Simple Plan: The official story trycks för fullt!
2012-10-30 | 21:00:00 |
The official story
Det är inte lång tid kvar tills Simple Plan: The official story släpps och tryckningen är i full gång!
Direkt från tryckeriet:
Har du ännu inte förbeställt din bok kan du göra det här
Chapters Indigo är de enda som säljer den engelska versionen av boken och skickar inte till många länder, men de skickar till hela Norden minus Island.
Nu har de dock nåt en lösning för köpare från andra länder, skicka bara ett mejl till Chapters Indigo [email protected], om du vill ha den franska eller engelska, hur många böcker du vill ha och din adress.
Har du redan köpt boken? Skicka en tweet till Simple Plans officiella twitter @simpleplan med hashtagen #SimplePlanTheOfficialBook eller #SimplePlanLHistoireOfficielle och vilken sida du köpte den på!
When I'm Gone: Five years
2012-10-29 | 20:44:00 |
Self Titled
Vlog: Brazil
2012-10-28 | 19:56:00 |
2012-10-27 | 19:27:00 |
The official story

New design and other little things
2012-10-27 | 19:21:00 |
Only Simple Plan
The design has been "broken" for a long time now, crashed server etc... but a new design is on its way and will be put up shortly!
When the new design releases, all posts in English will be published on their own sub-blog so the two languages won't be mixed on the same page.
The blog turns two years old on November 17, we will celebrate that with another contest!
More info will come, the contest will start one week before Nov. 17 and I can assure you, these prizes are something you WANT.
Who knows... some other fun stuff might appear...? ;)
Everything about the Simple Plan book
2012-10-27 | 19:14:00 |
The official story
Simple Plan: The official story will be released on November 6 in French and on November 15 in English. The book is written by Simple Plan together with Kathleen Lavoie.
Fred Jerome is the grafic designer and those who contribute with pictures are Patrick Langlois, Sim, Mark Staubarch och Chady Awad.
This book was previously known as: photo book, picture book, coffee table book and the Simple Plan book.
Simple Plan started talking about this book already in 2005 when they had already released two albums, No pads, no helmets... just balls and Still not getting any... and Patrick had thousands of photos of them. He had collected these photos for this purpose, to have them for a photo book and document the band's carrier. But, years passed by and we still didn't hear anything about the book. Fans kept asking every now and then what had happened with this promised photo book. The question was brought up again in 2007 when Amanda (who ran the biggest fansite of the time, Simple Plan Online, and now writes on asked about this book. Chuck said that the book was almost finished and that it would be released in 2008 together with the third album, Simple Plan. David got the same question in December 2007 from a British music site where he said: we've been working on this for a really long time and although Patrick has changed his carrieer, he will help us with this. Maybe when the next album comes out you'll be able to buy a special edition together with this book.
But 2011 came, Get your heart on! was released and a special edition together with this book was nowhere to be found. Dominika, who runs the biggest fansite today had an interview with the guys in September 2011 and of course, she asked about this book. Chuck said it was taking a little longer than they expected but this was something he really wanted to do. Unfortunatly, we didn't hear anything else about this book until March 2012 where the guys did an interview to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their first record. It was said that this anniversary would be celebrated in different ways, one was a photo book. Chuck said in the interview with Alter the Press that they had been working on a photo book that contained over 250 pages of pictures and that they had been taking pictures ever since Simple Plan started and they now had over 30,000 pictures. This is my project, which I've been working very hard on and now it's finally reality.
Everything really took off in 2012 and we only had to wait until May before we started hearing more. The project was not only reffered to as a photo book, it was confirmed that this would become an actual book and it would be written in both English and French. It was also confirmed that the book would be over 300 pages long, contain hundres of photos from 1999-today and would for sure be out in November 2012. The book would not only contain the story of Simple Plan and photos of them, but also ALL their backstage passes, handwritten letters, other letters from fans and lots more that had been collected since 10 years back.
Chuck has been working day and night on this project together with Fred, including their days off on their tour in South America and he posted on Twitter that I'm still working really hard and over-time on the SP book! This is the biggest, ambitious and hardest project I've ever been involved in. I believe you fans are gonna love it! We've put our heart and soul in this project! This is for sure something I'll show my kids some day!
In October 2012, Pierre told us in an interview in Brazil that the book would be named Simple Plan: The official Story and short after that, two release dates were confirmed. November 6 for the French version and November 15 for the English.
Simple Plan: The official story
2012-10-26 | 23:41:00 |
The official story
October is coming to an end och November is approaching fast, wich means the new book about Simple Plan will be in our hands.
This is what the book will look like:

When will this book be released?
The French version will be released on November 6 2012
The English version will be released on November 15 2012
Where can you buy it?
The English version can so far only be bought on Chapters Indigo Online
The French version can be bought on various sites, such as where it's already on the top 20 best selling list.
No one knows whether this book can be bought through SP Crew or not.
What will it cost? - $30.58
Indigo - $34.95
Renaud-Bray - $36.95
Archambault - $36.95
New single?
2012-10-26 | 23:04:00 |
Get your heart on
It has been over a year since Simple Plan released their latest single from the album Get your heart on!, which was Summer Paradise. There have been rumors saying This song saved my life, something that started disputes between the fans. Some thought that this song was way too personal to be put out as a single and was just there for the fans, whereas the other side claimed that this song would be perfect to spread Simple Plan's message.
However, a radiostation in Germany called SWR3 recently added Gone too soon to their chart SWR3-charts and the song is already on top 15. It has still not been confirmed if this is the latest single from the album or if it's just a song that the radio station chose to play. Radio stations in Paraguay were playing Just around the corner very frequently and that one wasn't an official song.