New co-worker at Only Simple Plan!
Hi everybody!
I would just like to introduce myself: my name is Emelie and I’m the new co-worker at Only Simple Plan who will translate the posts at this blog from Swedish to English! So I will be the one posting at, and that feels great, I’m very excited! (Since there are now two of us with the name Emelie here at Only Simple Plan, you can know me as Emelie S-L!)
I’m 23 years old and I currently live in Uppsala, Sweden, but I originally come from Sundsvall, which is further up north in Sweden! In Uppsala I study at a language program and my main areas of studying are English and French. Therefore I’m very happy that I get to work with translations at Only Simple Plan, since working with languages is a great interest of mine!
I plan to graduate in 2014, with two Bachelor degrees – one in English and one in French. I hope that I first get to go to Montréal for my work placement (we are supposed to have 15-20 weeks of work placement included in our degree!) during the spring semester of 2014, before I graduate.
I’ve been a fan of Simple Plan since 2004, when I saw them for the first time in the movie New York Minute. I fell completely in love with their music right away, and have been a fan of the band and their music ever since! In April 2012 I got to meet them and see them live for the first time, and that was one of the best days of my life! They were so friendly and awesome on stage and they really know how to show their fans a great time!

I also run another blog; - The World of Simple Plan, which is just a place for me to gather all interesting information (such as posts, videos etc.) that I find about Simple Plan!
I hope you’ll enjoy my translations and if there’s anything you wanna know feel free to ask!
/Emelie S-L