Two years online + winner of the contest + new co-worker
Wel celebrated two years online yesterday and here's November 18 2011-November 17 2012 in the eyes of Only Simple Plan. If something catches your eye/intrest, you can read about it in the Archive, just go to the right month. To do this, you need to go to the home page.
On November 23 it was confirmed that Simple Plan would be returning to Sweden for the European tour in 2012. The date was set for April 17 at Tyrol, Stockholm.
We recieved a lot of questions regarding the venue, the que etc. would work. So we posted a map and a picture of the area the same day.
We started a collaboration with SP Crew and published our first article about them and managed to recrute a few new members who got the chance to meet Simple Plan in Stockholm.
We didn't publish so much during this time, but we mentioned Chuck's "new" job at the NHL museum and his nice outfit for Christmas Eve.
Jet Lag was being featured in several languages and we got to hear a new version in Chinese. An Indonesian version was published on New Years Eve.
We also copied Simple Plan's recap of 2011 and published Top 3 favourite vlogs, do you remember David who brought his red outfit? Simple Plan also wished us a happy new year before they entreted the stage for the last time in 2011.
The European tour was coming closer and closer, and from that the first dates were published in September, it was finally confimed that We the Kings would be supporting Simple Plan on the European tour.
We published our first "focus on" which was about This song saved my life and everything that had to do with the song.
An interview with Jeff Stinco was published together with a list of "who in the band is the most..." A lot of piece of history was published during this time, especially from Hultsfred 2008 and the CD signing at Bengans 2008.
Simple Plan went to China and started their Asian tour and when they left they published a vlog from Niagara Falls, New Years Eve. Chuck also visited a school when they were in China, something that was very much appreciated.
Something we're all very much aware of is Simple Plan and "soon", we found out, in January already, that Simple Plan would release a new DVD and an EP - we still don't have any release dates for these two.
Simple Plan started to work with some super secret projects during February, one of them turned out to be a hockey stick which they had designed and it was sold in their MerchStore.
New design and renewal was of importance during 2012, both SP Crew and us changed the design of our respective sites. SP Crew still has the same one, we have yet a new one.
We published another article about SP Crew, where we encouraged people to join. We once again managed to recrute a few members.
Simple Plan were touring with a few bands in Canada during this time, one of them was All Time Low. Everyone have secretly hoped for Alex to join Simple Plan and do his part on Freaking me out, which he actually did, to everyone's surprise. Simple Plan also did a little chat with their guests and their third studio album celebrated four years.
The band published a fun little video where they showed how they prepare themselves for every show, together with a tour medley and a video of Astronaut from the tour in Canada.
Sébastien told us how he celebrated Valentine's Day, a vlog was published about signing Astronaut posters and we were Number Four on Google while searching for "Simple Plan".
We also got an insight in Chuck's life when he published a journal. The single I'm just a kid from No pads, no helmets... just balls celebrated 10 years and Simple Plan confirmed a new version of Summer Paradise known as SP x 3, Simple Plan Sean Paul Summer Paradise.
MARCH 2012
Summer Paradise was released on iTunes and was selling pretty good, the guys went to Barbados together with Sean Paul to shoot the music video.
A lot of things were going on around Summer Paradise, a lot of pictures were released during the first half of the European tour. It was also confirmed that We the kings and The never Ever would join Simple Plan in Australia.
On March 17 it was yet again time for a new chat and only one month remaining to their seventh time in Sweden.
Simple Plan's debut album celebrated 10 years on March 19, something that was celebrated with a lot of vlogs and a live chat with champagne. Jeff had a deal with the fans during this time that he wouldn't drink alchohol for a month, he managed a day before this celebration. The exception was accepted by the fans.
Peace & Love is one of the biggest music festivals in Northen Europe and in March it was confirmed that Simple Plan would be attending the festival in Borlänge, in June. Chuck was very excited about this, especially since the show in Stockholm had sold out.
Something that Simple Plan loves to do is teasing, and they published a lot of pictures from the shooting of Summer Paradise.
APRIL 2012
Simple Plan came back to Sweden this month and we had a contest together with Warner Music were we would get an interview. Six lucky winners would be joining us for the interview and an exclusive meet & greet. Unfortunatly, our new design crashed when the contest was published.
We published the winners on April 14 and Simple Plan came back on April 17. Due to personal reasons, I couldn't attend the interview, but all winners got to meet Simple Plan, one way or the other.
MAY 2012
A lot of vlogs were published also in May, one was particullary funny called "You alright?" there was also one to make people join SP Crew and a vlog from Israel.
Pierre turned 33, we celebrated that with a very nice picture of him.
We wanted someone who could guest blog for Peace & Love and whom would write an article about this show in Swedish and English. I couldn't go because of my job.
JUNE 2012
Simple Plan participated in an interview where they got to answer some... awkward questions. They also continued their hundreds of projects and confimed that a new release of Get your heart on! would come out soon with 14 tracks. But only in the French speaking areas.
The Swedish TV Channel TV4 used the song Summer Paradise in their "happy summer " commercial. It was Lina who gave us the tip about that. Sébastien turned 31 on June 5.
Summer Paradise was doing extremely well in Europe and was #14 on the Swedish iTunes, which Sophie had her eyes on. The song was hit warning on Rix FM and was doing great on radio stations across the country.
Chuck told us how excited he was about returning to Sweden and we got a time for when Simple Plan would be performing at Peace & Love.
Another "new" album was released in the summer of 2012, a double album with Get your heart on! + No pads... to celebrate the 10 years of the second one mentioned.
Get your heart on! celebrated its first year which was something on everyone's mouth.
There were rumors that Simple Plan would be returning to Sweden in november 2012, several people who worked with the band could confirm this, the tour was however postponed to 2013.
JULY 2012
We made our comeback to Twitter, SimplePlanSE, to support Simple Plan and show some Swedish love.
We started another contest where you could win a membership in SP Crew or a renewal of your old account. A girl from Germany won a renewal of her account.
Sébastien released his fourth EP, his third solo EP, that would be called More sake por favor which recieved a lot of positive feedback from the fans. He also released a video to the first single from the EP called My Dear. He also did a chat with the fans.
We published some more articles about SP Crew and why you should join.
Jeff Stinco opened his restaurant, one of his own projects which he had been working on for a while.
We confirmed that Lily form Germany won our SP Crew contest.
Chuck had reached 100,000 followers on Twitter and when he had 107,000 followers or so, he released his twitter video. Which showed how... dedicated he is. The serious Chuck Comeau.
We came with the suggestion of a donation to Simple Plan Foundation, a project we're still working on but really want to make real.
Simple Plan had been working with their book for a while and it was finally confirmed that their book would be called Simple Plan: The official story.
We published, on request, the fan mail address for Simple Plan. I hope you're sending them lots of beautiful letters since you may recieve something in return.
The design we currently have was released, we asked for a new translator who could translate this part of the blog and we threw yet another contest where you could win a new membership in SP Crew and a copy of their new book.
The winner of the contest is Nahla Ali from Egypt.
The new translator and who will now on blog on this English version is Emelie. No, not me. Emelie is a popular name in Sweden.
Welcome to our third year online.