News concerning the music video of This Song Saved My Life!
2012-12-16 | 01:20:00 |
Simple Plan
On December 2nd began the filming of Simple Plan's new single This Song Saved My Life, together with some fans, from the book signing in Toronto and from the concert later that night.
Clips from the Get Your Heart On! Tour 2012 will also be featured in the video, and to make it even more international the director will post more info on how more fans from all over the world can participate in the video.
We'll get more info sometime during the weekend.
Dominika will keep us all updated on how we can participate in this video.
Interview with Simple Plan!
2012-12-11 | 10:50:51 |
Simple Plan
Chuck Comeau recently did an interview with Alter the Press! which, according to Chuck, is a very deep interview about Simple Plan: The Official Story and about their career.
According to Chuck, this is something all fans should read. Read it here!
Simple Plan includes the whole world in their new music video
2012-12-08 | 20:39:00 |
Simple Plan
About a week ago, Simple Plan shot the video for their new single This Song Saved My Life in Toronto, Canada, including their fans, clips from the book signing and from the concert which was later that night.
David F. Mewa, who directs the video, confirmed, while the clips from Toronto were directed, that clips from tours from Europe and Canada will also be part of the video. Later it was also confirmed that clips from Australia and South America will be included in the video as well.
New dates for 2013!
2012-12-05 | 02:02:44 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan has released yet another two dates for 2013. They will play in Japan the 30th and the 31st of March.
You'll find all the dates under Links and click at Tour 2013.
Simple Plan raised $160,000
2012-12-03 | 11:06:00 |
Simple Plan
We now know how much Simple Plan raised at this year's Simple Plan Foundation event. With the sale of the tickets for the event, Simple Plan: The Official Story and the auction at the event, Simple Plan managed to raise $160,000 which will be donated to charity.
Congratulations guys!

pic: SPCZ
Simple Plan records new music video!
2012-12-03 | 11:01:00 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan have been in Toronto this weekend to record a new version of the music video for This Song Saved My Life. They first signed their new book Simple Plan: The Official Story at Chapters Indigo, and afterwards they recorded the video together with some lucky fans. They also held a concert which will be featured in the video.
9 years since A Big Package For You was released
2012-11-25 | 21:32:00 |
Simple Plan
We were reminded by Dominika that it's been 9 years today since Simple Plan released their first DVD A Big Package For You. So what can be more perfect than to enjoy a couple of hours of Simple Plan this boring grey Sunday (at least boring and grey here in Sweden)!

New stuff in the Simple Plan Merch Store!
2012-11-21 | 00:58:00 |
Simple Plan
In august, Simple Plan released a bunch of new designs for their official merch store. Now, just in time for Christmas and the book release of Simple Plan: The Official Story, they have released another four shirts and one hoodie:
You can buy the stuff here
More interviews!
2012-11-08 | 12:50:49 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan have done several interviews this week, here are three more, thank you @farawaybrothers who uploaded them on YouTube:
New cover image on facebook!
2012-11-06 | 16:42:33 |
Simple Plan
Simple Plan now have a new cover image on their facebook page, taken in Argentina:

Chuck & Sébastien visits Musique X
2012-11-03 | 16:31:08 |
Simple Plan
Yesterday visted Chuck and Sébastien Musique X, a project that first of all tries to inspire young people to play music. Those who were there had the chance to ask the guys their own questions, and if they wanted, show how well they can play music.

Simple Plan donates hockey stick to famous hockey player!
2012-11-02 | 23:31:00 |
Simple Plan

On October 25 2012, Pharmaprix held a foundation benefit called "the Tree of Life" where everything would go to Kovalev's foundation. The benefit contained a lot of things, one was an auction where you could find a Simple Plan hockey stick.
Simple Plan have donated various things before, like signed pictures and guitars.
All Credit to Dominika, - for this info.
First show for 2013 has been confirmed!
2012-11-02 | 22:03:49 |
Simple Plan
The first show for 2013 has been confirmed!
Simple Plan will be playing at Régates de Valleyfield in Salaberry-deValleyfield, Canada on July 6 2013.
This is of course not the only show Simple Plan will be doing next year, they have an entire European tour ahead of them that's just being finailized.