[English] Why should you be in SP Crew?

There are just pro's on why you should be in Simple Plan's official fanclub, SP Crew.
One year only consts 25 dollars, plus the shipping.
For that money you'll get
- A yearpackage, first year consists of the official t-shirt, SP Crew laminate, a signed photograph and guitar picks.
- Exklusive vlogs just for SP Crew, videos and audio. For example live versions.
- Access to a messageboard and chatroom just for SP Crew.
- The ability of buying tickets to a show before every one else.
- Contests with exklusive SP Crew prices.
- Chans to appear in music videos
- Chanse to be in the audience when the band visits a talk show.
- Plus so much more!
To all Simple Plan shows (festivals doesn't count), can those who bought tickets on the pre-sale through SP Crew win soundcheck party + meet & greet + early entry.
Soundcheck party - you get to be there when Simple Plan tests the audio and play a few songs
Meet & greet - they walk around among those who were at the soundcheck party and talk to the fans, sign stuff and take pictures.
Early entry - you get to enter the venue half an hour up to one hour before every one else, which gives you the opportunity to be in the front row.
Enter our contest (scroll down and look to the left) or buy a one-year membership yourself here

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